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Mari Invest 3.57% p.a.*

Mari Invest 3.57% p.a.*

Invest and Grow Your Wealth

Withdraw cash anytime instantly**
No transaction fees
Invest from S$1 with low risk
*Based on a past 4-week return as of 23 Sep 2024. Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. Returns may vary and are not guaranteed. **Receive your cash instantly from the moment you sell your holdings with no additional cost. Subject to limits and availability.

Why Mari Invest?

A low risk way to earn higher projected returns

Mari Invest is an account that offers access to investment product(s), that aims to provide higher projected returns compared to traditional savings alternatives.

Invest and withdraw anytime you need

No waiting time on your sell orders, receive your investment proceeds instantly**.

Start investing from S$1

Investing made accessible with a minimum investment of only S$1.
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MariBank is licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.